We all have some memorable moments be it a party, picnic, outing or for that matter anything that involves our near and dear ones. To capture these precious moments, we generally use a camera or a handy cam. However pictures are the most widespread means of making memories. One very important thing that we always have to take care of is to have these pictures printed in a way that looks very appealing. This is where DCE AutoEnhance comes into play. DCE AutoEnhace is a software that eases the tiresome work of adjusting and enhancing the quality of the pictures. It is a stand-alone batch processor.
The software utilizes the Exif Metadata information that was stored in the digital camera while taking the picture and uses it to process the image. The software erases blue cast and hot pixels, adjusts mid-tones and automatic balance, and enhances the color effect and even minute details. It also portraits the De-Focus filter and de-noises the image. The image can be resized and the software automatically finds the JPG quality for each image. The software also adds the Exif data into the image.
The software is capable to work in a single image mood as well as in the batch mode, and also has a new basic mode and an advanced mode. These and the many more features make it a wonderful software to work with.